Marshall Trammell will perform Warrior Ethos, two visual compositions (graphic notation): one for drum set, and the other for drum set, bull roarers and face jugs. The first composition was created for Trammell by San Francisco Bay Area-based composer and bassist Lisa Mezzacappa for his “Indexical Moment/um” installation series held at Southern Exposure at the beginning of his current tour in April 2019. The second is derived from a 10-month residency at Off Lomas in Albuquerque, NM. There he formed In Defense of Memory “Burn the Temples/Break Up the Bells,” a community engagement, Insurgent Learning Workshop (ILW) referencing methodologies deployed by a collective of Pueblo Indians for the Pueblo Revolt of 1680.
Adrian Blackwell’s two interrelated structures at 259 Lake Shore Blvd E and the Small Arms Inspection Building host weekly performances and readings. Invited guests include poet CAConrad, artists Camilo Godoy and Lawrence Abu Hamdan, Apache violinist Laura Ortman, Sister Co-Resister, and percussionist Marshall Trammell.
Image: Agatha Urbaniak (UK). Courtesy Marshall Trammell.

Performance Program: Isonomia in Toronto
259 Lake Shore Blvd East
259 Lake Shore Blvd East
Toronto ON
M5A 3T7
October 4
Marshall Trammell (lives in Oakland, CA, USA and Albuquerque, NM, USA) is a self-styled Music Research Strategist. He is an experimental percussionist and designer of interculturally-situated, arts-driven social engagement interventions. He conducts Insurgent Learning Workshops (ILWs) instigating renderings of alternative economics and anti-violence, community accountability frameworks as Creative Improvised Music.
He performs on drum set, bull roarers and face jugs. An array of three face jugs were created by Jim McDowell in the manner of pottery used to mark graves of early enslaved Africans in North Carolina and ward off demons. Trammell performs narratives of fugitivity in contemporary, Experimental performance.
He was a fellow at Rensellaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY (2004-06), and recently an Intercultural Leadership Institute fellow (2018-19). In 2016, he published “Music Research Strategies” for Sound American and is currently documenting ILWs for publication. He is a member of In Defense of Memory, featuring Laura Ortman and Carlos Santistevan. He was co-director of bands Black Spirituals (Sige Records) and Mutual Aid Project.