Jatiwangi art Factory

2022 Program & Exhibition Artist

Jatiwangi art Factory (JaF) is an artistic collective of over fifty multimedia artists, musicians, designers, and curators who work out of a former clay-tile factory in Jatisura, Indonesia. JaF’s discourses and artistic practice emphasize local rural life in relation to land and the terracotta industry in Jatiwangi District. Clay, in the spirit of community empowerment, is central to all their artistic and cultural activities. JaF’s art praxes range from visual art to video, exhibition curation, radio broadcasting, educational programming, and music composed by the terracotta ensemble of Tedi Nurmanto, Andzar Agung Fauzan, Muhammad Pipin Kaspin, Kiki Permana, Ika Yuliana, and Tamyiz Ramadhan.

Exhibit #12

Jatiwangi art Factory at Small Arms Inspection Building

LAIR is a clay music ensemble with sound artists, Tedi Nurmanto, Pipin Muhammad Kaspin, Ika Yuliana, Andzar Agung Fauzan, Kiki Rasmadi Permana, Tamyiz Noor Ramadhan, and guest collaborator, who are part of a larger art collective, Jatiwangi art Factory (JaF), based in Jatisura, West Java, Indonesia. Comprising over fifty multimedia artists, musicians, designers and curators, JaF’s […]

Donors & Supporters


Agnes Etherington Art Centre


Sound of Clay: Ocarina Workshops with Jatiwangi art Factory

Recommended for participants age 15+ Jatiwangi art Factory (JaF) is an Indonesian artistic collective of over fifty multimedia artists, musicians, and curators whose artistic practice emphasizes local rural life in relation to land and the terracotta industry in the Jatiwangi District of Indonesia. JaF members Muhammad Pipin Kaspin and Tedi Nurmanto are also part of […]

date and time

March 14 – March 18

2:00pm – 5:00pm

Donors & Supporters



Terrakota Route

As part of the launch of the 2022 Biennial, members of Indonesian artist collective Jatiwangi art Factory (JaF) come together for a mobile multimedia performance featuring original sound pieces and live activations. JaF’s artistic practice emphasizes local rural life in relation to land and the terracotta industry in the Jatiwangi district, Indonesia. For the people […]

Donors & Supporters


Agnes Etherington Art Centre
Gardner Museum