Lisa Myers (Beausoleil First Nation, born in Oakville, ON, Canada; lives in Port Severn and Toronto, ON, Canada) is an independent curator and artist with a keen interest in interdisciplinary collaboration. Myers has a Master of Fine Arts in Criticism and Curatorial practice from OCAD University. Her recent work includes printmaking, stop-motion animation, and performance involving food. She is Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Environmental Studies at York University, Toronto. Myers is a member of Beausoleil First Nation.
Beach(fire) Blanket Bingo Biennial
Peter Morin and Tania Willard of BUSH Gallery, with guest artist Lisa Myers, invite the public to gather around a beach fire and engage in the methodologies of exchange embedded in gift economies and philosophies. This participatory program examines the circulation of materials within and outside of the art system and Indigenous communities. Over the […]
October 19
6:00pm – 10:00pm
Donors & Supporters
