Dilys Leman

Dilys Leman is a writer, editor and yoga teacher, and often escapes with her dog into Toronto’s ravines to explore the Don River watershed. Her first poetry book, The Winter Count, was published by McGill-Queen’s University Press in 2014. She has written for, and read at, poetry walking tours with Lost Rivers Toronto. Several of her “river” poems are forthcoming in The Wonder of Water: Lived Experience, Policy and Practice (University of Toronto Press).


Poetry Walk with Toronto’s River Poets, Lost Rivers, and Rivers Rising

Location: St. Matthews Clubhouse

A poetry walk in conjunction with artist Maria Thereza Alves’s project Phantom Pain at Riverdale Park W. Toronto’s River Poets, together with the initiatives Lost Rivers and Rivers Rising, and knowledge keepers investigate Toronto’s lost rivers, the forgotten network of water that runs beneath our feet. Meeting point: St. Matthews…