Una Lee

2019 Program Artist

Una Lee (born in Vancouver, BC, Canada; lives in Vermont, USA) is a Vermont-based, Korean-Canadian design practitioner, collaborative design facilitator, and community organizer. Through her practice and organizing work, she attempts to use design to build the world we need, while also pushing the design field to be accountable for its impact on the world we live in. Lee is the creative director of the co-design studio And Also Too and design director at Allied Media Projects. She founded the Consentful Tech Project and is a co-founder and steering committee member of the international Design Justice Network. She has been a visiting designer at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University, Cambridge, US; a fellow at UC Berkeley’s Center for Technology, Society, and Policy; and recipient of a Royal Society of Arts award.


Future, Fire, Fiction

Future, Fire, Fiction—storytelling workshop for imagining future technologies through design justice and Indigenous philosophy Design practitioner and community organizer Una Lee and artist and composer Suzanne Kite (Kite), tell stories about the past, present, and future, and invite participants to do the same, asking: Which technologies will we need in the future? Which technologies do […]