Laurie Young

2024 Program Artist

Laurie Young is a Berlin based Canadian dance artist who focuses on the embodiment of unauthorised histories and their representation and how relationships are choreographed between human and other than human beings in the theatre, museum and city. Laurie embraces an expanded notion of choreography as a way of observing organisational patterns between bodies, of framing or revealing hierarchies. She has been working in transdisciplinary projects across the fields of dance studies, sensory ethnography and archival practices. Her artistic development continues to evolve, informed increasingly by the politics of the diasporic body, its archival liveliness and its choreography.

Her career as a dancer saw her working with many international choreographers including Sasha Waltz, Meg Stuart, Benoit Lachambre, Eszter Salomon, Nasser Martin Gousset and Hannah Hegenscheidt. Laurie (with Justine A. Chambers) was named Visiting Dance artist of the National Arts Centre and she was the 2019-2020 recipient of the Tanzpraxis scholarship of the Senatverwaltung für Kultur und Europa. She was also a multiple recipient of “Arts and Science and Motion” fellowship of the Volkswagen Foundation. Her work has been presented at the Sophiensaele, Martin Gropius Bau, The Australian Museum, National Arts Centre, The Field Museum, Agora de la danse amongst others. She is currently studying somatic trauma therapy and embodied activism in a social justice context.


One Hundred More

One Hundred More is a performance urgently informed by our current socio-political climate which has produced an ever-greater groundswell of bodies resisting, moving in collective anger, revolt and counter-resistance, captured and replayed in an endless torrent of images. Centred on an iconic gesture of resistance, the work is an incremental choreography of personal physical strategies […]

date and time

November 28

8:00pm – 9:00pm

Donors & Supporters

This program is made possible through the generous support of the Lindy Green Family Foundation.



One Hundred More (featuring a talkback moderated by Seika Boye)

One Hundred More is a performance urgently informed by our current socio-political climate which has produced an ever-greater groundswell of bodies resisting, moving in collective anger, revolt and counter-resistance, captured and replayed in an endless torrent of images. Centred on an iconic gesture of resistance, the work is an incremental choreography of personal physical strategies […]

date and time

November 29

8:00pm – 9:30pm

Donors & Supporters

This program is made possible through the generous support of the Lindy Green Family Foundation.
