The Auto BLDG, 9th Floor
158 Sterling Road, 9th Floor
Toronto ON
M6R 2B7
Tuesday–Thursday: 10am–6pm
Friday: 10am–9pm
Saturday–Sunday: 10am–6pm
Monday: Closed
About The Auto BLDG, 9th Floor

Artworks at The Auto BLDG, 9th Floor

The Other Home
The Other Home (2024) is a large-scale textile installation that examines ideas of exile and migration. The artwork, composed of various vertical panels, addresses a range of emotions associated with…

Works by Angélica Serech
El viaje de Yibo [Yibo’s Journey] (2024) is a newly commissioned large-scale textile that continues Angélica’s investigation of blending tradition and experimentation. The introduction of new techniques and complex compositions…