Fort York National Historic Site, Toronto History Museums

250 Fort York Blvd
Toronto ON
M5V 3K9

Artwork accessible 24 hours a day. Visitor Centre accessible during open hours:
Wed – Sun | 10am – 4pm
Mon – Tues | Closed

About Fort York National Historic Site, Toronto History Museums

The Fort York National Historic Site was built in 1793. It is best known as the location where the Battle of York came to its violent climax in 1813 during the War of 1812. The Fort served as the city’s primary harbour defence between the 1790s and the 1880s and was the home of a military garrison until the 1930s.

Today, its defensive walls enclose Canada’s largest collection of original War of 1812 buildings. Fort York was designated as a National Historic Site of Canada in 1923.

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