Join us as we launch the 2024 Biennial catalogue, Precarious Joys, co-published by the Toronto Biennial of Art, Art Metropole, and Goose Lane Editions. Edited by the Biennial’s 2024 curators, Dominique Fontaine and Miguel A. López, this landmark publication includes conversations between artists, curators, and community members, as well as reproductions of work by featured artists. Together, the texts and images offer readers insights into how artistic practices can amplify political consciousness and reassert the power of aesthetics in shaping collective existence.

In conversation with artists and special guests, Dominique and Miguel will delve into the catalogue’s focus on dialogue and the impact of active listening on development of TBA’s third edition.

Note: This program has a limited capacity. Register via Eventbrite.

This program is presented in partnership with Art Metropole and Goose Lane Editions.

Image credit: The Cover image for the Toronto Biennial of Art publication Precarious Joys, 2024. Designed by Otami Studios.


September 27


5:00pm – 7:00pm

This venue is wheelchair accessible.


This program is free, but registration is required in order to attend.

