In conversation with curator Julie Nagam, artist Lisa Reihana speaks to her installation, In Pursuit of Venus, on view at the Art Gallery of Ontario and its sister project, House of Death, featured at 259 Lake Shore Blvd E.
Image Credit: “in Pursuit of Venus [infected],” 2015–17, Ultra HD video, 7.1 sound, 64 min, Campbelltown Art Centre, Sydney Australia

Dr. Julie Nagam is Canadian Research Chair in Indigenous Arts, Collaboration and Digital Media and is an Associate Professor in the department of Art History at the University of Winnipeg. She was the former Chair of the History of Indigenous Arts of North America a joint appointment with the Winnipeg Art Gallery. Her scholarship, curatorial and artistic practice has been featured nationally and internationally. Dr. Nagam is the Concordia University and Massey University (NZ) Scholar in Residence for 2018/19, and is building an Indigenous Research Centre of Collaborative and Digital Media Labs in Winnipeg, Canada.
Lisa Reihana (Maori – Nga Puhi, born in 1964 and lives in Auckland, Aotearoa, New Zealand) is a multidisciplinary artist who received a BFA from the Elam School of Fine Arts, University of Auckland and a Master in Design degree from UNITEC Institute of Technology, School of Visual Art and Design, Auckland. She represented New Zealand at the 57th Venice Biennale (2017) and has contributed in important ways to multimedia, photography, sculpture and screen culture in Aotearoa, New Zealand.